27 July 2007

Inside of Outside--coming soon


This blog will soon be moving to http://insideofoutside.blogspot.com.

See you there . . .

23 July 2007

I love life.


This is a picture of me at work. Looking at it, I steal the oft-spoken words of my co-worker: I love life.

Life is treating me well, and vice versa I hope :) I'm loving working here at Boundless, and I'm learning a ton as well. I've become a river rat. Paddling most days, whether for work or on my days off. Camping. Hiking. And the people I work with are amazing. And the work we do is great too. Helping people to belong and be strong. Whether they are high school students, people with acquired brain injuries, mental illnesses, or native youth. If you'd like to see more pictures of me 'working,' go here.