20 April 2008


Inside of Outside

So a while back, "I" posted about getting a motorcycle. Well, it wasn't true. It is true that I would like to get a motorcycle one day, but that day hasn't arrived yet. However, I did recently splurge and buy a new mountain bike. It's a Trek 4300 for those who care, and it's burnt orange, silver, and black. His name is Bernie. My uber-cool helmet was bought for me by Nancy for my birthday. Isn't she great?!

So far, I've been riding mostly around Lincoln, and in a few parks around Lincoln and Council Bluffs Iowa. I love it. I like being able to ride places and feel environmentally friendly, and I love riding in the parks and enjoying the sights. So far, while out on rides, I've seen white pelicans, various and sundry woodpeckers, a ground hog, great blue herons, white-tailed deer, and lots of other cool stuff. I'm hoping to do a lot more riding this summer. At the very least, I'll be able to put the bike rack that I've been carrying around on my car for the past year and half to use again.


t j said...

Congrats on the bike. I'm approve greatly as you might have guessed. Glad to hear that you're venturing out to Council Bluffs, too. Platte River state park is not bad, either.

Anonymous said...

Hope you enjoy the bike. Nice to see you blogging again. :)

Kevin and Jackie Okimi said...

nice ride. Jackie

Anonymous said...

A bike is a great way to get around! I like it. Sounds like you've already seen lots of beauty.