shardsAccording to
wikipedia "In epistemology, the prefix meta- is used to mean about (its own category)"
This is one of my favorite prefixes, and I enjoy trying to find new ways to apply it. Here are some that I and some friends have come up with. If you come up with any others, I'd be interested in hearing about them.
metadream - a dream about a dream
metalaughter - laughing about laughter
metameeting - a meeting about meetings
metajoke - a joke about jokes
metalie - a lie about a lie
metalist - a list of lists
metacognition - thinking about thinking
metaspeech - a speech about a speech
metacommunication - communicating about communicating
metafight - fighting about fighting
metadeja vu - deja vu about deja vu
metablog - blogging about blogging
metamenu - a menu of menus
metamemory - a memory about memories
metaresearch - research about research
metatheory - a theory about theories
metasearch - a search of searches
metasong - a song about songs
metarhyme - a rhyme about rhymes
metapoem - a poem about poems
Well, those are a few. I think my favourites are metadeja vu and metalaughter. I'm sure there's plenty more out there.