22 October 2007


I walked by a body of water today, close to the edge so that as I walked the frogs that had been sunning themselves on the shore would leap, flinging themselves, toward the water. Some would make it in one leap, and others, the amateurs, would occasionally bounce off the rocks that were partially submerged in the water. Their legs go over their head and their landing consisted of a sometimes upside down, always awkward splash. Seeing them go through such desperate measures to get away from me was somewhat disturbing, so I tried sneaking up on them. No matter how quiet I was, or how slow I was, darn those frogs, they would always see me.


Katie said...

that's poetic of you.

and I'm jealous. city living is good for community, but bad for green living things. ha. I meant trees, but frogs are green too. ;)

Kristina said...

Hey guess what!

I've moved to and am working at Glacier View Ranch in Colorado! Hurray for nature!