14 October 2007

More to come


People have mentioned (in a complaining sort of way) that I haven't been blogging very much recently, and it seems as though they may be in luck. I have felt like doing a little more blogging these days. Could this be because I feel sorry for them? Probably not. Is it because I have more time? Maybe. Have I felt more thoughtful recently? Who knows. Maybe it's because my fingers are itchy.

Things are a little different now at Boundless. We're down to the core - there is just seven of us now that the summer session is over. It's a tight-knit group and it's fun as well as challenging to work together so closely. We just finished a trip. A good trip. I organized a short canoe trip, which means that means thinking of everything that is necessary, and making it happen. This can be rather difficult when it also involves trying to motivate/entertain/get everybody together to do things together. But I survived, and even though I feel stretched, I think it was my favourite trip yet. Just to watch the change as youth who have had nowhere to turn and no one to love them open up and become like little kids in a safe environment where they could just be themselves. It was beautiful. I'm pretty sure that my trippers enjoyed it too.

stay tuned, more to come.


matthew said...

sweet. there's nothing like that kind of satisfaction!

kayla said...

wow! greg! i just came across your blog as i was reading on a sabbath afternoon (i know, my sabbath afternoon reading now consists of reading blogs, etc.) anyway, that's sooo awesome that you're doing what you love! it looks like you're having a fabulous time :) isn't it the best feeling? i'm happy for you :) anyway, have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that things are going great!